Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My First Post

The purpose of this blog is to upload all my work from school, and to be able to view them again at a later stage.

Today i had my first lesson of Media Studies. The teacher asked us to make a blog to describe the connection between media studies and blogging.
He showed us how to do all this whist not giving any excess information that may send the international community into dispute. The ways we can accomplish this is by starting topics like racism, and false rumors. Another important thing about blogging is to be Anonymous. The ways that you can accomplish this is by not giving out your full name, adress, email mail, or any personal information that they can hold against you or use to track you down.

Benefits of having a blog like this are that you should be able to keep all your school work easily, by uploading it onto your blog instead of saving it onto your computer. This allows you to come back on your previous work to see how you have progresses since the beginning of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, can you tell me what you might learn from having all of your work together in one place. Do you think, if you apply for university places that this repository might help you. Are there any other benefits to having a blog like this? Try to expand your ideas!
