Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beyonce Music Videos

Beyonce Music Videos
Single Ladies
Independent - Her protective arm lock thing, protects her from other people.
Confidence - Dance moves, the way she walks around, and how her close up of the camera, she doesn't look away.
Double Personality - What she wears, and the ring shows that she may want a relationship just to have fun, and she also wants a serious relationship that will last a long time. Her hair is also tied up, to show her whole forehead. What she is wearing also doesn’t match. She is wearing a dancer’s clothes, but is wearing high heels
Player - When the background is dark, and there is a bright light shining on her, she becomes a whole different person from when the whole background is white. When its white, she’s a dedicated girl, who wants a serious man, and to get married. When the night club lights come on, she becomes the girl that wants every guy in the world.
Regret - Beginning lyrics show that he didn’t really 
Satisfied - She smiles a lot in this video, this could show that she is happy with her life. 
Serious - Wants a serious relationship, shown by the wedding dress
Thoughtful - When she is just standing there, looking off into the distance, it shows that she might be deep in thought.
Dreamy - Wedding dress in the pool.
Crazy in Love
Fake - This is shown by how her hair is constantly changing every few second, and her personality also changes
Careless - tank top, and shorts.
Street-girl - this is shown because her hair is always let loose, and never tied up.
Confident - The way she dances, shows that she is confident with her body.

Fearless - This is shown by how fast she is driving
Player - She kills of her “boyfriend” in the video, and doesn’t take relationships seriously. 
Gangster! - She drives really fast, and she has a lot of really heavy makeup on her face.

Why does Beyonce choose to be shown in such a way? 200 words
Beyonce is shown in many ways. In “Single Ladies” she is a confident woman, and the music, her dance moves all point to her being confident. In Halo, with the music being more soothing and slow, she is more of a normal girl, sticking with one man. In “Crazy in Love” she is a wild girl, with no real responsibilities, and as many people say, “living by the whim” The last video, “Telephone” shows her as an abstract person. This lets more people notice her. Nowadays, many pop-stars that get noticed are the ones that are out of place. Singers such as Kesha, Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, and Justin Bieber, all have something unique about them, Kesha and Lady Gaga, and Adam Lambert being their facial features, while Justin Bieber’s unique point is his voice. 
By being seen as so many things, she is able to attract many different types of audiences, ranging from young children to older and more senior men and women. 

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